Our History

Commitment is the word that best describes Richwood Meat Company…Commitment to developing and improving the business which began in Merced, California in 1967… Commitment in facilities and state-of-the-art equipment specializing in ground beef production …Commitment in the understanding of customer needs, and the commitment to serve those needs. 


Innovation is another key to helping our customers meet their changing needs.  To this end, we invest heavily in research and development, this puts us in a unique position to meet the challenges through custom product development. 

There is an old-fashioned concern for reliability, service and quality that has kept this stable employee owned organization on a consistent path of growth.

At Richwood Meat Company, ground beef is not a sideline…we’ve established our reputation as the Ground Beef Specialist!

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Featured Food Service & Retail Products

Quality Ground Beef Products

Fresh Patties

Frozen Patties

Smash Patties

Fresh Bulk

Frozen Bulk

Tri Tips & Specialty Cuts

Fresh Marinated & Hand Rubbed Tri Tip

Fresh Portion Cut USDA Quality Graded Steaks

Frozen USDA Portion Cut Steaks

Our Current Specials

Contact Us

Office Hours
Mon-Fri: 8am-5pm

Retail Deli Hours

Tue-Fri: 9am-6pm
Sat: 9am-5pm
Sun- 9am-5pm

Mon: Closed